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About the Dallas Greening Initiative and High Vista Dr

Trust for Public Land is excited to share that the property located at High Vista Dr. (3728 High Vista Dr, Dallas, TX 75244) is part of the Dallas Greening Initiative. This means that a portion of this future library site will be designated as a neighborhood greenspace that will be open to the public.

Living within 10 minutes of a park or greenspace can increase a person’s mental and physical health and enhance quality of life. For communities, quality green spaces close the outdoor equity gaps, help combat the effects of climate change, and foster social unity. However, Trust for Public Land’s (TPL) ParkScore® Index revealed that over 300,000 Dallas residents lacked access to a nearby park.

In 2022, Mayor Eric Johnson requested an inventory of vacant city-owned land that could be redeveloped into public green spaces across the city and appointed Garrett Boone as the city’s first Greening Czar to help come up with ways the city can increase park access for Dallas residents. To help close that gap, Trust for Public Land is partnering with Dallas Park and Recreation and the Mayor’s office in this greening initiative to transform unused city-owned land into new neighborhood greenspaces across Dallas.

The Dallas Greening Initiative program will improve the health, equity, and climate resilience of neighborhoods throughout the city where it is most needed. Using TPL’s Smart Growth for Dallas Tool, a computer-assisted geo-mapping software, Trust for Public Land pinpointed the vacant properties listed in the inventory that are located in Dallas’ largest and highest-need park deserts.

The program aims to not only increase the number of Dallas residents who have a greenspace within a 10-minute walk of their home but ensure the nearby residents are part of the process. Trust for Public Land will lead the design process and connect with neighborhood leaders, residents, and youth to gather their input to select design elements, features, and amenities that fit their needs. Throughout the process, Trust for Public Land will engage with the community to learn about what they would like to see in their community greenspace through community design meetings, surveys, and online engagement tools.

This page is your central hub for project information, upcoming events, and activities to give feedback about the design of YOUR community greenspace!

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High Vista Pop-Up Park

Contact Us

If you have any questions or want to connect with our team, please reach out to us via email or phone.

Sofia Hernandez

Dallas Greening Initiative Program Manager


Phone: (469) 249-1535

Molly Morgan

Parks and Schoolyards Program Director


Phone: (817) 916-0456

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name Sofia Hernandez